
La Casa de las Caras: Believe it or Not, Something Weird is Happening Here In 1971, María Gómez Cámara saw a clear face form in her cement floor, seemingly overnight. The Pereira family home at Calle Real 5, Bélmez de la Moraleda, Jaén, Spain, became famous shortly thereafter, with Spanish newspapers coming down on one side or the other regarding the authenticity of the faces. What followed were decades of faces…

The Perils of Paranormal Programming

There is one reason that those who are publicly involved in the paranormal must be honest: people take them seriously and often look to them for real answers regarding the afterlife and the reality of the spirit world. It’s a large burden to bear, and if you have a “show” or a “documentary” (the lines…

We Know We Have Died . . . And Then What?

Sam Parnia via the AWARE study determined that there is electrical activity in the brain that suggests (how, I am not sure) that we are aware of our physical death for at least 20 seconds and possibly much longer after our hearts have stopped beating and our lungs have given up the ghost, so to…

Ghost Shows and the Terrifying Truths of the Paranormal

Winter 2024–the new year has started with a wicked case of Seasonal Affective Disorder and a sense of dread. This is not how I had hoped to begin a new year and certainly not how I wish to start off a blog post; however, sometimes one’s mood is relevant to the subject at hand–the unexplained,…

The Damned City of Trasmoz, Spain

Trasmoz, the only excommunicated city in Spain, was damned more than once by Ecclesiastical authorities: Once in 1255 by refusing to submit to the authority of the powerful Monastery of Veruela, and again in 1511 in a conflict with the Superior of the same Monastery over water rights. Trasmoz was officially “cursed” by the Abbott…

Existential Despair and the Wheel of Existence

The mediums that the Society for Psychical Research studied so extensively from 1881 forward paid a price for their gifts. Even a cursory reading of the SPR’s work with mediums reveals health issues and early death as almost an inevitable result of contacting the dead on a daily basis. Mediums tend to have histories of…

Connected by Loneliness: Traumatic Bonding in Haunted Locations

One of the most terrifying punishments for human beings is isolation from the group, or from a significant other who instills in us a sense of safety and security only to abruptly remove themselves from our lives without explanation. I think of regressive societies casting out women for adultery or “witchcraft”, relegating them to the…


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